Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Study Period

Hands up those of you who couldn't bother using the little time in between papers to study! After all, how much could you possibly squeeze in at the last minute, right? These kids agree...

These girls were probably gossiping the whole time. One of them (not pictured) was actually hiding a Tupperware of fried rice (made by her classmate's sister, no less) under her notebook. They said they didn't have time for breakfast. I told them to get up earlier. What happens to your subuh if you wake up at 7a.m.?

One of these boys marveled at the fact that I was very brave to teach morning session. He said the kids in Form One were a lot tamer. I didn't tell him that I wasn't given a choice...

This boy gave me a few sheets of examination pad and saved me the trouble of running down to the exam hall for more. He's already one of my favourites. Pity I'm not teaching his class.

Okay, so we have some good eggs. This kid didn't move at all while I was in their class. He just kept reading the whole time and probably didn't even notice when I snapped this picture.

God bless this kid. Not only did he behave himself throughout the period but he was actually kind enough the sweep the classroom floor. Just when you thought the situation was doomed.

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