Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Depression and the Diets

After years of research, I have observed two levels of depression:

Level 1 - in which a person is so depressed he/she will consume massive amounts of food

Level 2 - in which a person is too depressed to even think about food

Level 1 is pretty common and many of my friends can attest to downing mountains of comfort food (chocolate is a firm favourite) in trying times. But once in a while, we reach Level 2.

The other day I was feeling especially bad about something and I could only handle a bowl of soup for dinner (those who know me better would liken this to a sponge repelling water). My housemate gave me this really concerned look and asked, "Are you on a diet?"

There have actually been times when I went for days without a decent meal. It's dangerous, yes (especially when you're already as skinny as I am), but somehow you don't even realize your stomach is empty. It gets that bad and you won't even know it.

This is why I need to watch a lot of comedies - it would literally kill me to be sad.

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