Tuesday, February 17, 2009

And Thus We Sever The Ties...

Why do we always hurt the most when it involves the ones we love the most? Regardless of whether or not they love you in return. I asked Christine and she said maybe it's because familiarity breeds contempt. Enough with the cliches already...
My sister has this rule about cutting off people who don't benefit you in any way. I used to disagree with that - how could anyone cut off their friends (or family) that easily? I believe we have something to learn from everyone. But, this is someone who has achieved a lot of what she wanted so I really wouldn't argue. Besides, I'm starting to see her point.
Why should we waste our lives on people who really couldn't give a sh*t about us? If that person can't respect you enough to be honest with you, why care? If that person can't appreciate the things you do for them, maybe we should just drop them. Forget the opportunists who only remember you in times of need. The world ain't that small and there are plenty of other people who wouldn't be a waste of your time.
And as for you (you know who you are), if you're not sincere then please stop pretending. It's an insult to other people's intelligence.

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